Mr. Ashok Nanda
It gives me immense pleasure to see International Public School Continuing to grow from strength to strength with each passing year. Education is a dynamic Process. It Knows no boundaries. International Public School has already set a pattern of reaching global standards with a strong foundation of Indian values.
The world has moved from nationalism to internationalism. Keeping this in mind, another school- GVN: The Global school has been designed to meet global standards.
The world stands in need of liberation and therefore the aim of school should be to produce well groomed global citizens. The practical way to see the present is to see it from the perspective of the future .I am happy that the challenge for the future has retained its creativity and individuality. The young students bubbling with energy are multi tasking. No matter how technologically advanced we may be , today there is a crucial need to strengthen humanistic values like love and respect.
As responsible citizens we need to have a generation of young people committed to empathy and tolerance. At our school we balance academics with a strong emphasis no morals like love and compassion. Through this we hope to strengthen our pupils, hone their creative talent and spark their curiosity. The magazine is a set in the direction to help pupils express themselves and spend leisure hours in creative activity.
I am extremely pleased by the efforts of the principal, staff and student in publishing the third edition of the school Magazine ,”Anant”. I am confident that they will continue to remain dedicated to the noble cause of education .May God shower His choicest blessings on the members of the IPS family and on all their endeavours.